Sanitation Department

Per Ordinance 1979-7, all persons within the City of Hamburg shall dispose of solid wastes in a method approved by the Arkansas State Department of Health disposing of said solid wastes at the Ashley County Landfill.  The Hamburg Garbage Service shall pick up and collect only garbage and trash.  All garbage and trash in the City shall be collected regularly by employees of the City.  All residential and commericial units within the City of Hamburg shall use the garbage and trash pick-up services provided for by Ordinance 1979-7 and shall pay the charges specified by the ordinance.

Most trash and debris can be disposed of at curbside on your regular garbage service days. The City does not provide trash cans.  Residents must purchase their own trash cans.  All trash must be in garbage bags and left in the trash can or by the side of the road.  

Ordinance 1979-7 - original ordinance concerning mandatory waste management system

Ordinance 2020-1 - most recent ordinance prescribing monthly rates for garbage and trash pick up

Contact Info

City of Hamburg
305 E Adams St

Frequently Asked Questions

When are the garbage collection days for my street?

Monday:  Residents east of Main Street

Wednesday:  Residents west of Main Street

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:  Businesses

**At this time, we do not have a schedule for special pick ups.  All special pickups (limbs and leaves) will be picked up as city workers are able.  Pick up on the same day cannot be guaranteed. The City can only pick up limbs and leaves.  All other materials are to be disposed of by the resident (i.e. taken to the landfill).**